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про Линн

иринка-калинка: Я не в курсе, видели ли вы ответ Ульфа на вопрос:"Куда пропала Линн?" 1. What happened to Linn?? This is the most common question we find on different discussion boards and apparently there have been some conflicting rumours. Linn told us as early as 1995 that she wasn't really comfortable with the fame and craziness that comes with being a member of such a world famous band. She loved the singing, but travelling around the world was difficult for her. As I think most of you must have noticed, Linn has more and more over time faded out from the communicative part of the band (in photo sessions, videos, interviews etc) and on Flowers/Cruel Summer, Singles of the 90s and Da Capo she barely did any interviews or participated around promotion for the simple reason that she did not want to. The last 10 years she wasn't spending much time with the band and since last year she is not officially in the band anymore. To leave the band was her decision alone, we've supported her in that decision and accepted it. We had an amazing time together in the band and those memories will be there forever! She is now very happy living away from the public life , which never suited her and we are very happy for her. We are still close friends and I really love Linn, for the astonishing person she is and she will always have a special place in my heart. She's always appreciated all of you dedicated Acers and loved every moment with you but now you finally have to let her go.

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cam_ward: ЛИНН прости что не поздавил на форму, зато сдеал это в твой ДР на радио маяк в программе "Воскресный базар с Катей и Региной"

cam_ward: По идее это спортивная программа, но я вопрос задал между прочим самой Елене Весниной

ALinnKA: cam_ward пишет: не поздавил на форму прости, а переводить это с какого? что не со шведского, это точно. если серьезно, то: прости, что не поздравил на форуме? или я не так поняла?

cam_ward: Все правильно поняли

Ogrizok: cam_ward Самой Весне задал вопрос? Какой и что она ответила? Было её "Айяяя", что она выкрикивает у стеке в парном разряде?

cam_ward: Я спросил про Энди Роддика, она сказала, что он еще может выиграть Уимблодн

cam_ward: LINDA пишет: Кстати, Ульф в роли полицейского просто красавчик... Согласен, но Дженни в синем платье сморится лучше. Почаще бы она так одевалась, а то эти шаровары гна мнгоих выстплений, противно

сеш: Из всех них всегда по большей части Линн со вкусом (красиво, не вызывающе и гармонично) одевалась.

cam_ward: сеш пишет: Из всех них всегда по большей части Линн со вкусом (красиво, не вызывающе и гармонично) одевалась.

cam_ward: Вот до чего додумалась одна поклонница

ALinnKA: cam_ward пишет: Вот до чего додумалась одна поклонница не ты ли эта поклонница?

cam_ward: ALinnKA пишет: не ты ли эта поклонница? Нет, к сожалению))))))))))))))))

ace: сеш пишет: Из всех них всегда по большей части Линн со вкусом (красиво, не вызывающе и гармонично) одевалась. Линн всегда была гармоничным человеком, и даже ее мама говорила про нее в интервью что когда Malin была маленькой девочкой, она была гармоничным ребенком.

LiDok: ace ой, это в каком таком интервью?))

ace: LiDok пишет: ace ой, это в каком таком интервью?)) Может быть не интервью, но мама Линн о ней рассказывала. Вот ее рассказ о линн. Кстати это взято из старой биографии линн. What her mom says about her: Little Malin was born on a frosty and clear morning, just as Halloween started. She came quickly and had the umbilical cord wrapped a few times around her neck. The nurse had to cut it before Malin could come out! The first day, she stopped breathing and started to turn slightly blue. I had to push her a few times so that she would wake up and start to breathe again. Babies often do this their first few days. After this, I kept an eye on her 24 hours a day and kept her on her side so she could breathe easily. She was so smooth and nice to hold, and had very ‘round’ baby legs. The other mothers picked her up and said that she was so nice. She was a harmonious child and loved to sit on people’s laps or be carried in their arms. She learned very quickly to laugh and make high-pitched sounds. Big brother Jonas was 3 1/2 and very proud of her. He wanted to give her all his things. She was called ‘The Doll’, ‘cutie’, and ‘little sweetie’. Even though she had such tiny feet that we had to buy doll shoes for her, she was walking without problems when she was eleven months old. Just like her brother, she also started to jump, laugh and sing when she heard music. Very few things broke, even though she ran around at high speeds! Linn became a big sister when she was 18 months old. At that time she was already a little girl who could swing and dig at the playground for hours, and say small phrases. She would say ‘I sit you’ to people and then climb up on their knee. Later, she told fantastic stories. It was easy to bring Jonas and Linn with me to parties and other places, because they were very interested in things. If they were sleepy, they slept on a blanket on the floor or on a couch like two kittens. Linn loved to feed Jenny, and wouldn’t let her cry. If it happened, she always made her stop. Linn sang songs for Jenny to make her stop, but they didn’t always sound right: Bд, bд vita a, ja ja kдja ja ... (Bah Bah black sheep, do you have any wool) Right after her second birthday the singing got better, and she could sing half of the song from Pippi. Grandma taught her many old songs, that had been in the family for generations. She became a happy, funny, independent child full of energy who loved to play with other kids and went to Sunday School. Her beloved Daddy took all three of them to Sunday School every Sunday morning for many years. She played with a girl named Marie. Her big brother was Jonas’ friend. They lived close to each other, and had a great time together. They (the siblings) grew up like fairytale children near a forest. They had names for the trees, the rocks, and the caves. They used their imaginations. I made a book about each of them, and I wrote them like fairytales. When she was 4 1/2 years old she could swim 15 meters and read words like ‘coffee-cream’ and ‘co-operative society’. She learned to read from food boxes and stuff. Grandpa asked if she knew all the letters, and she answered: ‘Not little q!’ At this age she played whole songs on the piano. Her grandma, who is a music teacher in organ and violin, later helped her so she could play perfectly. She played flute in school for many years. She tried to play violin, but played it in her own way. She also sang in school, and made a fine Mary in the Christmas play. Linn and another girl, Anna-Karin were the only girls in their class. The rest was comprised of 22 boys. They were asked if they wanted to move to another class, with more girls, but they liked being with the nice boys, so they stayed. Linn has always been interested in other people, and she worked a year with taking care of people after she left high school. She is one of the kids that had the most foreign friends during her childhood. This might have something to do with her language interest. Besides German, English, Spanish and Latin in high school, she also learned a little Russian in college before she started teacher education. She finished 3 and a half years before the Ace Of Base thing started, and she had to apply for a study break. She is a big artist like many in the family (like her dad and grandpa). She might start to paint or make beautiful things with her hands in the future, when Ace Of Base slows down a bit.

maLINNka: Несомненно Линн мастерица на все руки...

LiDok: ace я не знаю англ. а переводить в переводчике отстой!

cam_ward: LiDok пишет: ace я не знаю англ. а переводить в переводчике отстой! а через google пробовали там лучше обычного

cam_ward: Кто ответит проичем здесь Малин София Катарина Берггрен и телеканал евро спорт да еще и прямом эфире? (Ogrizok молчите, вам я же сказал)

cam_ward: В 1995 в Гетеборге проходил чемпионат мира по легкой атлетике)))))))))))))))))) Эх вы знатоки

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